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Checklist of documents needed for a loan

Most lenders require the same documents to approve a loan. Make sure you bring the documents below to your meeting with us to help fast-track your loan application. This is a general checklist so
some of the documents may not apply to you. We will confirm which documents you need.
Personal Identification

  • 100 points of ID are required. A current Passport or Birth Certificate = 70 points. Drivers Licence = 40 points. (Please note if these documents are in your maiden name, you will also need
    to provide a copy of your Marriage Certificate.)
  • Other documents that help build up 100 points include: a Medicare card, Credit card, ATM/Debit card, Council Rates Notice, Pensioner Concession card, Health Care card, Tertiary Student ID
    Income Details
  • The two most recent payslips from your employer. (Ideally these will show the company name, number of the payslip and the year-to-date income figure).
  • The most recent Group Certificate from your employer.
If neither of the above is not available, any one of the following
  • Employment letter;
  • Copy of employment contract; or
  • Three months of bank statements for the account your wages are deposited into
NOTE: If you are employed by a family business you will be required to supply the documents listed below that apply to self-employed applicants
If self employed:
  • The last two financial year’s personal and business (if applicable) tax returns and ATO Notices of Assessment.
  • Financial statements (profit & loss & balance sheets) that correspond with the supplied tax returns
NOTE: Sole Traders are only required to supply their personal tax returns and Notices of Assessment.

If the above documents are not available and you are applying for a ‘low-doc’ loan at least two of the following documents will be required

  • Six months business bank statements for the main trading account(s)
  • Business Activity Statements (BAS) for at least the past two quarters*
  • Accountants Letter confirming your income**

*some lenders may request a full years BAS statements
** Accountants Letter wording and format is subject to lender requirements and your broker can work with you and your accountant on the lender specific requirement

You may also need:
  • Rental income statements or a copy of a signed lease agreement for currently owned investment properties
  • Most recent full tax return and/or payment statements confirming dividend income
  • Centrelink letter confirming family tax benefits
  • Centrelink letter confirming permanent government pensions
  • Private pension group certificate or statement
  • Copy of court orders for Child Support payments made through the CSA
  • Proof of any other regular, ongoing income.

Additional documents for refinancing

  • Documentation on your existing loan including the date the loan commenced, loan period and any financial penalty payable if you exit the loan early
  • Statements for the last six months for any existing home loans and personal loans
  • The most recent Council Rates Notice on all currently owned properties within Australia

Credit cards:

  • If you have credit card debt, statements for the last three months.
  • If you don’t owe anything on your credit card, the most recent statement.
Additional documents if you already own a home
  • Statements for the last six months for any existing home loans or personal loans
  • Your most recent credit card statement
  • Copy of the Contract of Sale for the property you’re buying
  • Statements for the last six months to show your savings/investment history. (This could include share certificates, savings account statements, term deposit statements, etc.)
  • If other funds are being used for the purchase, evidence showing where the funds are held.
  • If other funds are being given to you, which are not already in your bank account, you will need a letter from the provider of the funds, and in some instances a Statutory Declaration. This
    declaration must state that the funds are being given to you unconditionally and do not need to be repaid.
Additional documents for First Home Buyers
  • Statement for your First Home Saver Account, if you have one.
  • Statements for the last three months to show your savings/investment history. This could include share certificates, term deposit statements, etc.
  • If other funds are being used for the purchase, evidence showing where the funds are held.
  • If other funds are being given to you, which are not already in your bank account, you will need a letter from the provider of the funds, and in some instances a Statutory Declaration. This
    declaration must state that the funds are being given to you unconditionally and do not need to be repaid.
  • Copy of the Contract of Sale for the property being purchased.
  • Certified copies of your Birth Certificate, Drivers licence or Passport and Marriage Certificate (if applicable)
Additional documents for investors

If you already have investment property/ies:

  • Recent Rental statements or a copy of the signed lease agreement
  • Recent Council Rates Notice.
  • Copy of the Contract of Sale for the property being purchased.
  • Letter from a local property manager indicating likely rent for the new property.
Additional documents for borrowers seeking a construction loan
  • Copy of a licensed builder’s fixed price tender, including all plans, specifications & list of inclusions
  • Quotes from professional tradesman and suppliers for any works not being completed by the builder. Common examples include Driveway, Landscaping, Fencing and Flooring
  • Copy of the fully signed and executed Building Contract (once available)
  • Council approved plans. (once available)